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Youth Rowing Mission

The Youth Rowing Program seeks, as its primary goal, to create the opportunity for personal growth in young men and women through the sport of competitive rowing.  Participation within our programs will not only introduce athletes to rowing and fitness; but ultimately to themselves, as they strive to define their potential and place in this world.  Their paths will be directly influenced by the hard work, discipline and goal-setting skills they developed while being involved with our team.  Above all, we believe participation in our Youth Rowing Program will bring opportunity for our athletes to advance to distinguished Colleges and Universities, create successful careers and have fulfilling personal lives.


  • To develop middle and high school youth, through the competitive sport of rowing, into young men and women of character, honor, and integrity.


  • To provide a program that fosters personal and team success defined by performing to our maximum potential, as individuals and a team.  Through this success, we will create opportunities for collegiate scholarships and other post-secondary school achievements.


  • To develop lifelong friendships, healthy lifestyles and model citizens in the youth who pass through our program.  Create a sense of community, foster healthy competition, instill values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and commitment. Create a culture of excellence that will carry on throughout life.






Huntsville-Madison County Rowing & Watersports, LLC., also known as Row Huntsville and Paddle Huntsville, is dedicated to offering positive, community impacting programs for all individuals in both Rowing and PaddleSports. Through our partnership with Ditto Landing Marina, we are continually seeking to develop programs that best serve our community. We strive to meet the growing needs of the surrounding area by connecting people to the many great attributes of living close to the TN River.  We take pride in serving our community by supporting environmental cleanup activities and other no-cost programs that serve the community.  


We are dedicated to providing the best Coaches, Trainers, and Staff to support our Teams and Programs. We use state of the art equipment, and our focus on safety in continuing education certifications for our staff is unsurpassed. Our desire is to provide the opportunity for individuals of any age, background or physical capabilities to be able to participate and join in the fun!

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